Java Generic

Installing the intermediate certificates

Before you can install your VikingCloud™ certificate, you will first need to install the root certificate. You may download it using the link below:

Download the SecureTrust Root certificate

You will need to use the keytool command to import the root certificate:

// Import the SecureTrust Root first
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias stroot -file stca.crt -keystore your_domain.key 

Install your VikingCloud Digital Server certificate

You are now ready to install your certificate you received from VikingCloud. Take the .cer file from the ZIP file that was emailed to you when your certificate was issued and place it on your server.

You will need to use the keytool command to import your VikingCloud Digital Server certificate:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias server -file www_yourdomain_com.crt -keystore your_domain.key